VRC B2 In the Nick of Time

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Player  Team Position  Home Matches  Away Matches  Total Matches  Won  Lost  Matches Won (%)  Games Won  Games Lost  Games Won (%)  Current Points
George Hadjipavlou 1 12 6 18 1529
Kip Kramer 3 7 6 13 1513
Ian Winter 2 12 7 19 1486
Brendan George 1 7 6 13 1471
Brendan Gray 4 9 6 15 1413
Mike Carrier - 3 1 4 1389
Simon Whyte - 1 1 2 1368
Robert Pacey 4 9 8 17 1334
Shawn Patton Captain 5 3 5 8 1327
Jeff Ward Spare 2 3 5 1264
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